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The Role of International Cluster Collaboration

Updated: Sep 13, 2023

The Role of International Cluster Collaboration - Creating cluster collaborations to foster global innovation processes

Global knowledge and IP transfer are crucial drivers to strengthen innovativeness and competitiveness. Foundry Intl builds multi-cluster programs that reinforce the respective regions by establishing supportive global connections.

National and regional innovation systems differ heavily and specialization in certain technology fields are commonly observed within economic environments (e.g. Automotive cluster in Southern Germany, CyberSecurity in Israel, AI in the Bay Area). Beyond these localized specializations in key industries, global adoption of multi-actor dependent development goals follows different paces, regional policies and individualized implementation tools. Forerunner regions with promising pilot projects are emerging in common global development goals:

● Industrial Decarbonization

● Smart & Sustainable Cities

● Community Wellbeing

● Climate Mitigation & Adoption

Within these forerunner regions valuable knowledge is created on a daily basis on the results of pilot projects and successful collaboration between industries, clients and regional policies. To give guidance for industry and cluster actors, it is important to learn, connect, and engage with stakeholders on a global scale to de-risk and accelerate the own innovation pathway.

Foundry Intl opens up innovation corridors

Foundry Intl builds up international innovation corridors for industry actors and cluster management with individualized cluster collaboration programs, with the goal to connect the right stakeholders and to facilitate accessing the valuable knowledge which lies within successful regions.

Our toolbox for Cluster Collaboration:

1. Stakeholder Mapping, Outreach and Recruitment of cluster actors

What are ideal cluster collaborations partners? To answer this question adequately research on knowledge gaps, willingness to collaborate, and possible synergy effects needs to be conducted. For facilitation of these processes, Foundry Intl discuss and elaborate together with industry stakeholders the right actors in other regions. Based on the results of the stakeholder mapping Foundry Intl engages with ideal regions, cluster management and industry stakeholders.

2. Building digital cluster collaboration platforms

By choosing a digital community approach, Foundry Intl connects not only stakeholders but also gives them a stage to communicate and experience the collaboration in a most UX friendly way. We follow the philosophy that cluster collaboration platforms needs to be:

● Spot-on to the industry / technology

● Providing instant accessible relevant information

● generating a high recall and recognition value

3. Surrounding branding & communication execution

Planning and execution of an effective multichannel branding & communication strategy led cluster collaboration matters to the world. With our partners and strong background in digital marketing execution we build valuable initiatives by creating the right brand and communication execution for the regional and international audiences.

4. Planning & execution of effective knowledge dissemination actions

Relationship management and facilitating knowledge sharing are crucial for successful cluster collaborations. Foundry Intl enables continued exchange of regional information which guides and supports the work in other regions of the world.

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