With gas heated reformed (methane)
Technology Description
The combination of autothermal reforming (ATR) with a Gas Heated Reformer (GHR) is an improved design of ATR that allows for achievement of higher efficiencies, lower CO2 production and lower oxygen consumption. The ATR and GHR are in series and the GHR acts both as a pre-heater and cooler of the inlet/outlet of the ATR. The GHR benefit is that it pre-reforms the gas going to ATR using the heat from the exhaust gases of the ATR and performs part of the reforming that would otherwise take place in the ATR. The main technical challenge for GHR is carbon deposition (metal dusting) on the shell side (high temperature from the ATR outlet at around 1 100 °C to 600-800 °C). This can be solved by either material selection that can withstand the conditions and thermal cycling (cost) or by either decreasing the operating pressure or adding more steam, both of which come with penalty in process efficiency.
Relevance for Net Zero
Autothermal methane reforming with CCUS and high capture rates can decrease significantly the CO2 emissions associated with hydrogen production and should play an important role in net zero pathways, particularly for the creation of new production capacities, as long as the CO2 is permamently stored and upstream emissions of the fuel supply are minimised or completely avoided
Key Countries
United Kingdom, United States
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