Onboard carbon capture for ships
Technology Description
Onboard Carbon Capture (OCC) can be applied to all carbon-containing fuels (including fossil, electro-, bio- fuels). CO2 can be captured pre-combustion (e.g. when using methanol as hydrogen carrier) or post-combustion (e.g. when retrofitting existing HFO or diesel ships). Captured CO2 is liquefied and stored onboard, and is later off-loaded on shore. OCC has a significant impact on the ship's energy consumption (up to +40%), which makes OCC rather inefficient and expensive compared to other decarbonization solutions. However, it may have a role to play if alternative fuel supply does not ramp up in line with demand.
Relevance for Net Zero
According to the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, abatement costs are currently expected to be high, but emission reduction potential can be significant. Based on the potential role Onboard Carbon Capture could play in the mid-term to reduce the emission intensity of existing fossil-fuelled vessels (bridging technology), the technology should be further developed and considered in parallel and in combination with alternative fuels.
Key Countries
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