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Dynamic Line Rating


Technology Description

Line ratings indicate the current carrying capacity and thus the maximum possible transmission capacity of a transmission line. They are calculated from a combination of factors such as conductor size and resistance, conductor distance to the ground and ambient weather conditions as temperature, solar irradiation and wind speed.
Transmission lines are traditionally operated using a static line rating, assuming conservative conditions to minimize the risk of dangerous line failures. However, static line ratings cause significant under-utilisation of transmission assets, as conservative conditions rarely come to fruition beyond a few hours a day.
Dynamic line rating systems change the amount of current that can flow through a line in response to e.g. real-time weather conditions and allow transmission system operators efficient and effective operation. This helps transmission line operators to manage congestion and increases a grid's resilience and reliability.

Relevance for Net Zero

Alternatives exist for increasing grid capacity (building new lines, energy storage, power-flow controllers, distributed energy resources, and demand response), but few are near-term, low-cost options like Dynamic Line Rating (DLR).

Key Countries

Belgium, France, Germany, United States

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