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Physical adsorption (DRI)


Technology Description

Direct reduced iron plants - in which iron ore is reduced to iron without melting, typically using natural gas or coal - could be equipped with physical adsorption-based CO2 capture, in which molecules are captured on the surface of selective materials called adsorbents. Desorption of the CO2 (release from the surface) may be achieved using pressure swing adsorption (PSA), performed at high pressure, or Vacuum Swing Adsorption (VSA), which operates at ambient pressure. A hybrid configuration also exists, known as Vacuum Pressure Swing Adsorption (VPSA).

Relevance for Net Zero

This technology has good potential for emissions reductions - while the current commercial DRI with CCS uses chemical absorption, it is possible and would be less costly to use VPS. Its use is likely to be limited to regions with high availability of inexpensive natural gas. Otherwise the process would likely be more expensive than other potential alternatives based on coal or even hydrogen-based renewables.

Key Countries


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