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Conversion of steel offgases to fuel (blast furnace)


Technology Description

This technology "recycles" waste gases from steel plants (e.g. blast furnace gas and coke oven gas) into synthetic fuels, thus using the CO2 twice and delaying its release.

Relevance for Net Zero

This technology could help reduce emissions from a steel plant and has the benefit of using CO2 emissions twice, thus potentially providing reductions in the lifecycle assessed (LCA) CO2 footprint of fuels. Total savings depend on what fuel is displaced, since unless the CO2 is captured from the use of fuels, the CO2 is in the end emitted. Furthermore, the net impact depends on what the current use of offgases is (e.g. flaring vs power generation) compared to their uses as alternative feedstock for ethanol production.

Key Countries

Belgium, China, United States

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