Cold ironing
Technology Description
When at berth, a ship still requires energy: for hotelling (e.g. cruise ships), refrigeration (refrigerated containers), on-board crane operation, etc.
So-called ''cold ironing'' or Alternate Maritime Power (AMP) consists of plugging in the vessel to the grid instead of running the auxiliary engine(s) of the ship. Typical associated power can be in from several MVA for Ro-Ro ships, up to more than 10 MVA for cruise ships.
This also reduces on-board noise and vibrations, extends machinery lifetime and reduces engine maintenance needs.
Dedicated installations are required in the harbour and on-board. These must manage the variations in electric features (voltage, frequency, connectors). In particular, dedicated substation transformer of adequate rating is necessary, with secondary voltage of either 6.6 or 11.0 kV, and potentially a frequency transformer from 50 Hz to 60 Hz. The use of fuel cells for port-side power has already been demonstrated.
Relevance for Net Zero
Reduces CO2 emissions (reductions are greater with low-carbon electricity) and local air pollution in the harbour, where maximum exposure occurs.
Key Countries
United States, China, Europe
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